G3i® NXT


G3i® NXT是INOVA公司推出的全新一代有线地震采集系统。与传统的有线采集系统相比,G3i® NXT设计更为轻便,功能更加完善,是目前业界重量最轻的有线采集系统。除此之外,G3i® NXT还为地震承包商和地震勘探公司提供了实时、可靠的数据保障。

G3i NXT 基于经过现场验证的有线架构和多年的 G3i 研制成功经验来看,G3i NXT与 G3i HD 完全兼容,并且可提供 G3i 技术上的所有优势,在重量上相比减轻了 50% 以上,并且功耗减小了20%。G3i NXT由 iX1 控制中心管理,并可有效提供效率的关键功能,如可控震源高效采集(HPVS)、排列自动路由、HyperSource 通信和远程编码器等。

G3i NXT是保持项目实时运行的最佳解决方案,同时最大限度地减少了运营的工作量。



均是采集过程中常用的组合作业方式。但同时,它们使记录、质量控制、数据管理和操作更加复杂。为此,我们开发了一个由iX1技术提供动力的G3i HD大容量有线采集系统,消除了混合操作的挫折感。

简而言之,G3i Hd消除并解决了陆地和过渡带地震勘探中的猜测和难题。


您喜欢使用两个独立系统进行传播管理和震源质量控制吗?或者合并两个不同格式的数据集,以满足混合节点和电缆地震采集需求?我们不建议这样做。所有英洛瓦记录系统都由名为iX1的可靠软件提供动力。iX1将震源控制和传播管理集成到一个简化视图中,供观测员使用。它还可以通过两个英洛瓦系统(G3i HD + Hawk或G3i HD + Quantum)的协同工作,为基于节点和电缆的混合操作提供单一命令和实施控制。

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我们设计了G3i HD,通过开发多路径遥测,在电缆断裂时将数据按新的特定路线传送到最近的FTU(一个连接接收线和交叉线的4通道地面电子单元),从而降低数据丢失的风险。此外,所有地面电子设备均配备LED指示灯,以显示连接、电源和遥测状态,以便您可以快速解决设备的故障。



能听到我讲话吗?在浓密林冠区、山区和死区作业时,通常无法进行无线电通信。G3i HD为使用Shot Pro II或Shot Pro HD控制器的勘探队提供解决方案。爆破队可以通过有线监控摄像头继续作业。仅需要将Shot Pro HD编码器连接到最近的G3i HD地面设备,即可立即再次传输数据。



当禁止在受限区域、复杂地形或障碍区域部署设备时,G3i HD允许您使用NetLink在两个区域之间继续传输数据。您可将NetLink对直接连接到远程数据采集模块(RAM)地面电子单元上,在3km内进行无线电通信。

Nodal System Integration

Nodal System Integration

Two systems, one dataset -beautiful harmony. Say goodbye to the frustration of managing two recording systems for the same survey. Inova’s G3i HD and Hawk are fully integrated so you can deliver one seamless dataset to your clients. The onboardiX1 software in all Inova recording systems allows you to manage the entire spread, and reflects both cable and nodal ground units on a single, intuitive display. Observers have full command and control over operations, so they can quickly QC and manage data, sources and spread diagnostics in one location.

Mixed Source

Mixed Source

It’s common to have surveys over a large area where terrain varies and dictates the use of vibs, dynamite and/or airguns. G3i HD supports all three energy sources and offers an intuitive source QC functionality through the onboard iX1 software.

HPVS Support

HPVS Support

G3i HD powered by iX1 software supports most high productivity vibroseis survey designs including dynamic slip-sweep, distance separated sweeping (DS3and DS4), independent sweeping (ISS) and HFVS.

Vib Logistics Management

Vib Logistics Management

Running several fleets of vibrators simultaneously over several hundred kilometers of spread poses significant HSE and source management challenges. Being able to visualize the locations of the vibrators on the spread requires onboard navigation systems that communicate directly with the recorder. INOVA vibrators can be outfitted with Connex Vib and Vib Pro HD which are fully integrated and supported in the G3i HD central recorder. When working together, vib ops become more efficient and accurate, and Observers gain total control over the survey through a single, intuitive system software, iX1.

Source QC

Source QC

The Source QC module of iX1 uses information contained in the PSS data to provide production statistics and user-friendly production QC visualization. Source QC is excellent tool to monitor vibrator production rates and sweep QC information on a high-productivity vibroseis survey.



HyperSourceTM is an innovative approach to overcoming current radio technology limitations and is a new feature available in INOVA’s G3i HD cable acquisition system with iX1 acquisition software. HyperSource consists of a hybrid, wired and wireless, communication network available for access by distant source crews on a project operating where logistically convenient for efficient production. In a high productivity vibroseis example this might consist of multiple vibroseis fleets operating within or even beyond the perimeter of the active patch spanning 10’s of kilometers from the recording truck.



Functions as SPM for G3i HD, ideal for up to 4000 channels. Portable, rugged and with an array of features in our iX1 software.



Standard offering of the SPM, performing acquisition functionality such as reciever management and source acquisition.



A high capacity offering of the SPM, recommended for high-channel count super crews requiring ultra-high productivity.

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